Sunday 25 March 2012

One of two shelves which is the school library at St. Anthony's in Imegba, Nigeria. Only teacher manuals available.

Bishop Dunia - welcome visitor, at St. Anthony Education Centre. On either side of the bishop are the two girls who live here. Judith and Ofomhe (which means Peace). The third girl is a visitor from the village.

A meeting with the Governor of Edo State, Mr. Adam Ushumori.

Taxi service. Most of the locals, including the sisters, travel by this mode if they need to get some distance. I have not tried it out and am not likely to. lol These drivers often carry 3 passengers at a time.

A visit to Immaculate Conception Minor Seminary where over 200 boys attend school. Many of them board here.

THE STOVE at the convent at St. Anthony's Education Centre, Imiegba.

Just another quick up-date as I am leaving Auchi shortly and may not have contact again for some time. Enjoy! Have a blessed Holy Week and a wonderful Easter Season.
God bless,

Saturday 24 March 2012

Life in the village of Imiegba, Nigeria

Some of the Primary 5 boys play the drums during morning assembly which takes place around 7:45 a.m. each day.

A few of the KG students ready for prayer at morning assembly. These children do not yet have school uniforms. The one oyobo (white child) is African. 

My first day at St. Anthony Education Centre I was given a warm welcome by all the students. These KG students in native costume entertained me with songs and dancing. Along with Sr. Herrieth (the principal of the school) and myself, the women in the group are some teachers and mothers who also came to welcome me.

Sr. Herrieth collecting water from the well so that we can wash up after we have working outdoors.

Ofomhe, the young girl who lives at the convent, helps with collecting twigs for the fire where meals are cooked three times a day.

Working on moving the lumber pile. Quite a number of trees have been cut down at the compound. The stumps are burned. The rest of the wood is used for the open fire cooking.

Four young boys at St. Patrick's Church waiting for Mass to begin. I was pleased to be able to attend this Mass on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. And I was very happy to see this one young lad in green!

Market Day in Imiegba, the village where I have been teaching.

Some of the senior students relaxing between exams. They love to be in pictures. 'Our Canada' magazine which is being held by a couple of students has been very helpful as a teaching aid.

Phoebe, Sophia's mother, presented me with this lovely outfit on Friday, March 23rd. Her sister Mary has made it for me. Mary and I have met only once, over a month ago, and yet she made this with no measurements. Quite amazing!

I have heard that spring has arrived quite early and that the cyclists are out already. That's wonderful!
I continue to pray for all of you and ask for God's blessings upon you.
Thank you all for your thoughts, best wishes, prayers, donations, packages and teaching materials. All are very much appreciated.

God bless,